I like to imagine that my body is a cobweb.
We were born to be free and clear like a brand new web - life should breeze through us and past us, as the joys and sorrows come and go. But it doesn’t.
Sometimes life throws us something that is so knotty and difficult that it gets lodged in the clear web of ourselves. Losses and bereavements of all kinds, the small wounds and tribulations of a normal life. We are unable to let them go straight away and sometimes we hold onto them for years, as we quietly go about the process of attending to our heartache.
Occasionally we get attached to those knots and we start to think that they define who we are. We are wrong of course, but we are human and prone to making mistakes of this kind.
Other times, we manage to work through our knots and we learn how to release them - perhaps even to be grateful for the gifts and wisdom those injuries have left in their wake.
As all spiderwebs demonstrate, a mended web takes on a new and magnificent shape - there is beauty in the repairs we make to our soul. We are clear again, but in a new way.
Work at clearing your web. Locate those things that you are ready and strong enough to release, let go of your fear. Understand and appreciate the many ways that you have tended to your web over the years. Know that the work is never done, but that we approach our web building with more finesse as we grow older and we spend less time risking the integrity of our web in the face of the strong winds of what others say and think or in wilfully causing ourselves pain or on that awful waste of time - trying to prove our worth to others.
Happy spinning.