Recharge, Energise & Refill Your Bucket / 16 January
Unboxing Boxed in Hips on Boxing Day / 26 December
Wintry Heart Warmer / 19 DecemberWarming, flowing, heartening good stuff
Space for You / 12 DecemberHip openeres, balances and twists to make more room for you ♡
Heart-Full / 5 DecemberLow down and heart-filling, with options to work harder if you need them
Yule Refuel / 21 NovemberAn almost restorative, supported poses for replenishment
Warming radiance for cold days / 14 NovemberFlowing, breath-based loveliness
Strong Foundations / 7 NovemberFeet, legs and pelvic balance for stability and strength
Less Can Be More / 31st OctoberLow down and lengthening
A Nice Calm Gentle Practice (thank you please) / 24th OctoberGrounding, calm and full of good things x
Super Woman Part 2 / 17th OctoberHands free low body strength, power, focus
Super Woman / 10th OctoberStrength, power, focus
Hands Free & Lovely / New Class 3rd OctoberOpening, flowing, gratitude
Vata Balancing for Autumn / New class 26th SeptemberEarthy, grounding, warming