Hatha Yoga

Classes sequenced to create balance and union between body, mind and breath. Vinyasa minus the flow. A beautifully intentional, simple practice.

All the Right Places / 15 minutes
Mellow Soothing Gentle

Stretch it Out // 20 minutes
Post cardio Post run Stretchy

Moon Sisters / 25 minutes
Soothing Relieving Menopause/Period Pain

Hamstring Lengthener / 30 minutes
Backpain Relief Unwind Hamstrings

Thigh Lengthener / 30 minutes
Post-run Unwind Mellow

Gentle Breath & Movement / 30 minutes
Breathwork Healing Backpain Relief

Hold Your Peace / 60 minutes
Calming Centring Meditative

Quads, Hips and Backbends / 60 minutes
Front body opening, deep backbending

“The very heart of yoga practice is abyhasa - steady effort in the direction you want to go.”
― Sally Kempton