Self care is not what we’ve been sold.
We do not do self care to make ourselves into better humans, or so that we have more to give. We do it simply because we are worth taking care of.
We are often urged to do self care because an empty pot fills no cups, as if the only reason for caring for ourselves is so that we can be more for other people.
But self care is more radical than this. It is looking after yourself because you are thing of great beauty and intrinsic value. You are worth taking care of before you even get up in the morning, or do anything for anyone. Your value is not to be measured by how much you have to give, any more than a tree’s value is how much shade it gives on a hot day.
You care for your beloveds because you love them and you want them to be well, not so that they will have more to give, or be better humans. Now do this for yourself.
Care for yourself truly. It is good for you and you too have needs that want to be met. Do it with joy and without needing to explain it to anyone else.
See what happens then in your one beautiful life.