Yoga is your prescription for a peaceful life. Take twice daily.
It turns out that what the yogis of old discovered through practice and observation, medicine has now validated with scientific evidence: yoga is good for you.
We all contain four hormones that contribute to our sense of ease, peace, health and contentment and yoga done the right way can stimulate them all.
DOPAMINE- Dopamine is responsible for feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation.
How does yoga increase dopamine? Achievement stimulates dopamine, so completing the goal of rolling out your mat and doing some yoga makes you feel good. Yoga helps you sleep well too, which increases your dopamine levels. Exercise, meditation and breathing practice all increase your dopmaine levels.
If you are struggling with motivation, you could have low dopamine levels, but DOING yoga will stimulate dopamine and therefore improve your motivation. A virtuous circle, so just begin. Call friends and ask them to hold you to account if you can’t get yourself motivated, or check in with our Oak Tree Yoga community who are always on hand to support and encourage you.
SEROTONIN- Serotonin is a crucial chemical for increasing mood and decreasing anxiety. Researchers have found a clear connection between low serotonin levels and increases in depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Besides being helpful for mental health, serotonin also improves digestion, sleep, and bone health.
How does yoga increase serotonin? Serotonin is stimulated by exercise and by managing stress. Yoga gives you both benefits in one practice. A mindful walk in nature will also help - listen to something inpsiring as you walk, or go in silence (don’t make a call, or check your texts when you’re out, or you’ll fail to stimulate serotonin. If you can’t stop yourself from looking, leave your phone at home)
ENDORPHINS - Endorphins are released during pleasurable activities such as exercise, massage, eating and sex. Endorphins help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being.
How does yoga increase endorphins? Yoga is exercise, yoga makes you smile, yoga helps you breathe well and all of these things stimulate endorphins. Lying in savasana at the end of class feeling peaceful, content, renewed?? You’re enjoying the feeling of endorphins swimming about in your bloodstream.
OXYTOCIN - Oxytocin is typically linked to warm, fuzzy feelings and shown in some research to lower stress and anxiety. Oxytocin has the power to regulate our emotional responses and pro-social behaviors, including trust, empathy, positive memories and positive communication. Thanks to oxytocin, we get a warm, tranquil feeling whenever we're with the people we care about.
How does yoga increase oxytocin? The positive feelings generated by coming together with like-minded folks to practice stimulates oxytocin . The way you hold yourself kindly during your yoga practice and the more positive feelings you generate towards yourself, your family and friends and the world in general are also caused by stimulating oxytocin. You can even stimulate oxytocin in your body by hugging yourself, so the kind of yoga we do, where movement is gentle, breath is deep and the physical self is felt and nurtured is all good for stimulating oxytocin.
Poor motivation? Depression, sadness, anxiety? Low mood, negative mind set, feelings of overwhelm? We ALL experience these things from time to time to a greater or lesser extent. Forgive yourself for being a lovely, normal human. Embrace yourself, ask friends to help keep you motivated, just BE on your mat (it doesn’t matter too much what you do when you get there… can you see now, how just lying there and listening to your teacher’s voice will sometimes be all that your body needs to stimulate all of these helpful hormones?)
Be kind, do yoga.
Namaste x