Seven Chakra Series
“I completed the 7 days chakra series and wow, I loved it and feel at ease on all levels.”
“I completed the 7 days chakra series and wow, I loved it and feel at ease on all levels.”
First Chakra // 60 minutes
Muladhara chakra - a grounding practice for increased stability and a renewed sense of strength and belonging.
Second Chakra // 60 minutes
Svadhishthana chakra - a flowing practice for self-nurture, pleasure and joy.
Third Chakra // 60 minutes
Manipura chakra - a powerful practice for self-determination, confidence and growth.
Fourth Chakra // 60 minutes
Anahata chakra - a heart opening practice for compassion, love and joy.
Fifth Chakra // 60 minutes
Visshuddha chakra - a practice for finding the courage to be your true self out loud. Asana to free your throat and mobilise your upper spine.
Sixth Chakra // 60 minutes
Ajna chakra - develop and trust your intuition with asana to improve your self-awareness and accelerate spiritual growth.
Seventh Chakra // 60 minutes
Sahasrara chakra - a practice for spiritual peace & unity … Align with the Divine.